If your like me, and every client needs something special and different. One of my latest e-commerce stores used FedEx for shipping. Great, no problem its an easy setup in Virtuemart. Their FedEx account gives them special pricing for the online shipping calculator, which they need to add 40% too. Virtuemart doesn't allow you to add a percent only a set integer amount.
The handling fee variable in virtuemart is setup only to add a base amount to the shipping cost. We needed to add 40% to each shipping amount.
This is a change specifically for FedEx, but the other shippers should be similar.
Change the handling fee in the FedEx preferences to 0.40.
components/com_virtuemart/classes/shipping/fedex.php: around line 206
change & add the lines below.
//add the percent or set amount if(FEDEX_HANDLINGFEE < 1) $charge =$rate_Ret['1419-'.$i]+ $rate_Ret['1419-'.$i] * floatval( FEDEX_HANDLINGFEE ); else $charge = $rate_Ret['1419-'.$i] + floatval( FEDEX_HANDLINGFEE );

Thanks for the tip. Any help on the shipping side of VirtueMart is valuable.
wow, i perused your flat shipping product. It looks pretty handy. Ill have to check it out on a future project
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