Quick script to paste into the virtuemart checkout confirmation page to show the billing information under the shipping info.
Step 1:
Search for "if(NO_SHIPTO=='')" in your components/com_virutemart/themes/YOURTHEME/templates/checkout/get_final_confirmation.tpl.php
Step 2:
and find the last line that reads
echo "</td></tr>";
Step 3:
Just after that last line paste the below contents.
$db->query("SELECT * FROM #__{vm}_user_info WHERE user_id=".strip_tags($db->f("user_id"))." and address_type='BT'"); $db->next_record(); echo '<tr><td valign="top"><strong>'.$VM_LANG->_('PHPSHOP_ORDER_PRINT_CUST_BILLING_LBL') . ":</strong></td>"; echo '<td>'; echo vmFormatAddress( array('name' => $db->f("first_name")." ".$db->f("last_name"), 'address_1' => $db->f("address_1"), 'address_2' => $db->f("address_2"), 'state' => $db->f("state"), 'zip' => $db->f("zip"), 'city' => $db->f("city"), 'country' => $db->f('country') ), true ); echo "</td></tr>";

Is it possible to show more user data, e.g. costum user fields there?
AWESOME! I've been looking for this ALL OVER. Many thanks. Testing it right now. Will check back either way! .... Okay just did it, works PERFECT!!!
to add custom user fields or company name just output the data just above the vmFormatAddress function.
likea so
echo $db->f("company")."
I tried adding company field to the vmFormatAddress and gave up after about 30mins of no-worky
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