Saturday, December 12, 2009

Filezilla: clear out all the Site Manager entries

I have multiple machines each with filezilla and today I tried to import an updated site manager list to an outdated list on another machine. Unfortunately the sites that were previously in the site manager were not updated but Duplicated.

So now I have 200+ ftp sites duplicated in the list. The only way to get rid of them is by manually deleting them one by one eewwww.. Thats painfull!

If you have this problem just look for the sitemanager.xml file, and clear out all the entries.

In windows its located in C:\Documents and Settings\USERACCOUNT\Application Data\FileZilla

Stumble Upon CodePyro


Anonymous said...

Same thing happened to me, thanks.

- Clarence Liu

Chad said...

Thank very much for taking the time to post this solution. I needed that!

Anonymous said...

thankyu :)

Alastair said...

Cheers, that was driving me nuts for a while there :)

Drupal Thread said...

C:\Users\USERACCOUNT\AppData\Roaming\FileZilla this is the path in Windows 7

Folder AppData is hidden in default.

Anonymous said...

any way to do this on a mac?

Josh Tischer :: CodePyro said...

only if filezilla stores an xml file in ios like in win.

not sure if this works but the last comment in the thread on this page

Open in MAC osx:

In terminal type in

cd ~/.filezilla
open .

Open up ‘recentservers.xml’

Unknown said...

You can also use %appdata% from 'run' or explorer's address bar to go straight to the logged in user's application data folder.

Rahul Anand said...

Drupal Thread ... Thanks for your support. you really rock.. it fixed my issues.

Unknown said...

Edit - clear private data

Columbus Asian Escorts said...

I'm glad I found your solution because manually deleting duplicates would be a nightmare.

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