Been working with the userport extension for joomla and importing 2500 users for a site. This import utility is amazing and saves a ton of time GO GET IT!
I ran into a "feature" that I needed. That feature is to generate random passwords for users on update; when the password field is missing. It also needed to email the new password to the users.
Note: you normally don't want to do this because the import utility automatically loads all the users. Therefore you could accidentally change all your users passwords so be careful.
I chose to modify the userport utility because, well lets face it I'm lazy and making code changes is infinitely more fun than deleting and re-importing records yuk.
Zipped version of the full change for a "quick fix". Oh and it belongs in the folder "administrator\components\com_userport\admin.userport.php"
//change #1 around line 80 //added the userlog to the email body; the userlog contains the new email '{email_body}' => $params->get( 'message_body_when_notifying_existing_user', JText::_( 'DEFAULT_MESSAGE_BODY_WHEN_NOTIFYING_EXISTING_USER' ) ). implode( "\n- ", $userLog ) //change #2 around line 228 //create random password on update else if((bool)$params->get( 'overwrite_password_of_existing_user', false ) == true) { $userData->password = JUserHelper::genRandomPassword( 12 ); //add the password to the userlog so it can be emailed $userLog[] = JText::sprintf( 'INFO_PASSWORD_UPDATED', $userData->password ); if((bool)$params->get( 'given_passwords_are_already_encoded', false ) == true ) $userData->password = JUserHelper::getCryptedPassword( $userData->password); $user->password = $userData->password; }
Also fixed a couple of variable warnings caused by missing quotes
//line 446 $title .= JText::_( 'FORM_ADDED_NEW_USERS' ).' '; //line 450 $title .= JText::_( 'FORM_UPDATED_EXISTING_USERS').' '; //line 466 HTML_userport::userportPrintConfiguration( $option, $task, JText::_( 'FORM_CONFIGURATION' ) ); HTML_userport::userportLog( $option, $task, JText::_( 'FORM_RETRIEVED_USERS' ).' '.JText::_( 'FORM_LOG' ), $log ); HTML_userport::userportExport( $option, $task, JText::_( 'FORM_USER_LIST' ), $csvExportString );
I wanted to post this to the project on the project page, or forums but couldn't find a good place on Let me know if there is a place for it, i would like to help the community and submit this for the project.

1 comment:
After upload quick-fix , i`ve got an error
Fatal error: Call to undefined method HTML_userport::userportlog() in /administrator/components/com_userport/admin.userport.php on line 470
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