First off to customize the offline login form for joomla change the "Site Offline" to yes in the Global Configuration-> site tab.
Once you make this change the website will require a login to view the site. To customize this page copy the offline.php file to templates/YOURTEMPLATE folder. Then feel free to add your graphics, tweak the css and heck even add some animation from jquery or perhaps a slideshow.
For my project I needed to have a splash html page before the website login. This causes issues because the index.html page is loaded as the 'URL/' inestead of the index.php. Basically when someone logged in they would be redirected to the splash page. Well heck that ain't gonna work...
So to resolve the issue you need to find the line in the offline.php file that has the base64_encode(JURI::base()). Replace the JURI::base() with the url you need to redirect to i.e. base64_encode('')

Thanks to the author for the article, it is very useful. Recently I put a small plugin on my site made on the platform joomla I was looking for a code to edit the plugin for a long time. The plugin is designed for the wordpress platform, so it took a long time to search the blogs for information on how to properly port to another platform. But my efforts were crowned with success
It’s great to come across a blog every once in a while that isn’t the same out of date rehashed material. Fantastic read. Best best joomla extensions service provider.
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